패션브랜드 브랜딩 디자인 Fashion Brand BrandingCITY DELIVERY MAN City Delivery Man Brand Desgin BI/CI Desgin Label Design Videography 패션브랜드 CITY DELIVERY MAN의 BI/CI를 포함하는 브랜딩 디자인. 바쁜 도심 속에서 바쁘게 […]
[보관함:] Portfolio
Portfolio projects
시즌디저트 패키지 시리즈 Season DessertSAKURA Mont St Crair Brand Desgin Package Desgin 우리의 패키지 디자인은 평면의 종이를 접어가는 과정속에 선과 면을 따라 1차원에서 3차원이 되어가는 모습에 영감을 받아 디자인하고 있다. […]
Always Oasis. Better Square B.I Desgin Graphic Design The existing BI in BetterSquare was called Season 1, and we prepared the next series, Season 2. Season 2 focused on showing […]
Change the move EEC-errors excepted Runway project Motion graphic Runaway design Videography Photography B-store is a men’s clothing brand that started in Dongseong-ro, Daegu, in 2008. Based on the foundation […]
Lake coffee bar Coffee Bar Design Branding Space Design Graphic Design Seogyo is inspired by a forest lake, expressing a sense of tranquility within the urban environment. The soothing Hunter […]
The ground of the stadium OAO project Space Design Graphic Design We wanted to create a space in OAO that focuses on consumers’ personal emotions and healing. A one-dimensional approach […]
The purism of line/shape. 순수주의 Graphic Design Print Design Exhibition Design Visit Website As the producer of the original ranch dressing, Hidden Valley® is the go-to choice for ranch lovers. […]
Restaurant Better Square Branding Graphic Design Space Design Visit Website We dug deeper into Hidden Valley’s audience, and uncovered a hidden community of passionate ranch fans eager for ways to […]
Extension, Divide. Flagship Store Design Branding Graphic Design Space Design B-store is a men’s clothing brand that started in Dongseong-ro, Daegu, in 2008. Based on the foundation operating for a […]
Memorise a root. M.A.L Coffee Bar Branding Graphic Design Space Design We dug deeper into Hidden Valley’s audience, and uncovered a hidden community of passionate ranch fans eager for ways […]